SAVIS sponsored for Information security training at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

On October 25th 2017, at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), SAVIS was the sponsor for students information security training named “Understanding and exploiting vulnerabilities with new security tools published in the form of attack and defense”. This training program will help students improve the capacity of information security and was implemented at both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (video conference). Assoc. Prof.,Dr.Sc Hoang Dang Hai – Deputy Director of the Institute, Mr. Nguyen Kim Quang – Deputy Director of Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Information Security trainers attended the rehearsal; on the SAVIS side, there was also the presence of Deputy General Director To Van Ha. Mr. To Van Ha shared with the students: “Internet security is very urgent and important. The academy is a place for you to provide basic knowledge, SAVIS is the place where you will have the opportunity to interact with the latest cybersecurity solutions. We always create chances for you to develop yourself.” Through this rehearsal, SAVIS affirmed the company’s interest in the activities of the Institute and also activities of students are studying in the field of information technology. SAVIS believes that the inherent relationship between us and PTIT will be better and better and more prospects for recruiting and building our core engineering team.

SAVIS was once again ranked as one of the Vietnam’s 50 Leading IT Companies

On October 25, 2017, at Sheraton Hotel (Ho Chi Minh City), SAVIS Vietnam Corporation was once again honored to become one of the Vietnam’s 50 Leading IT Companies. Previously, SAVIS also achieved this award in 2016. Mr. Luu Hong Son – SAVIS South Director received the certificate of merit This is the result of the Vietnam’s 50 Leading IT Companies Program, an annual event organized by VINASA from 2014 to select, certify and honored 50 leading IT companies in Vietnam, promoting, introducing and connecting business cooperation for these enterprises with potential domestic and international partners. Vietnam’s 50 leading IT companies 2017 will be selected in 3 following cartogogies: BPO, ITO and KPO, Software solutions and IT services and Digital contents, mobile applications and solutions. Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van – SAVIS CEO said: “To promote and sell the products abroad, we have to make the national brand first, after that enterprises brand their own products. The prestige of this award is helping Vietnamese IT companies to promote their brand to the international market. Therefore, SAVIS is honored that this is the second consecutive year we are listed in this list.” Once again being listed in the top 50 IT companies in Vietnam has confirmed the SAVIS postion, constantly striving to become the leading IT solution provider not only for Vietnam market but also for regional and international market. The Vietnam Software Association, known for short as VINASA, is a software business association headquartered in Hanoi Software Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam. It was established in 2002. VINASA members are mostly the leading companies in Vietnam operating in the field of software and IT services. By June 2014, VINASA has over 270 members, mostly in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces. SAVIS Vietnam has become a member of VINASA since 2014.

SAVIS sponsored Scientific Workshop “Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology’s 20th Anniversary”

On September 8th 2017, SAVIS Vietnam Corporation was honored to be the sponsor of Scientific Workshop “Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology 20th Anniversary” with the topic “Training and scientific research towards Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The program was one of activities celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the academy (1997-2017). This was attended by Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Hoang Vinh Bao, Mr. Doan Quang Hoan – Director General of Radio Frequency Management, Mr. Vu Van San – Director of Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology. In his opening remarks, Mr. Hoang Vinh Bao emphasized that beside of improving the quality of training, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology need to focus on new industries and grasp the world’s trends, especially the opportunities of the 4th industrial revolution. Mr. Hoang Vinh Bao, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications, delivered the opening speech Mr. Vu Van San – PTIT Director shared the Academy achievements of the past 20 years The Scientific Workshop displayed booths dedicated to 20 typical scientific products of the Academy and many presentations. Most of the speeches were directed to the topic Industrial Revolution 4.0. To share with the Academy’s joy, SAVIS Vietnam Corporation was honor to be the sponsor for this workshop. As a leading technology company in the IT field, SAVIS always wishes to contribute to the activities of the education sector.

Solution for Digital Signature and e-Archive

On September 6th 2017, at the State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam, SAVIS Vietnam Corporation co-hosted a conference named “Solution for Digital Signature and e-Archives”. The conference was attended by Mr. Hoang Truong – Deputy Director of State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam, Mr. Le Van Nang – Director of Informatics Center and other representatives. In his opening speech, Mr. Hoang Truong shared the current state of digital signatures in Vietnam and the prospect of digital signatures for the records management and archives. Mr. Rod Crook – Director from Ascertia gave a speech about implementing long-term digital archives, digital standards for materials and proposed solutions for archives in Vietnam. Ascertia is a leading UK technology company that develops electronic security solutions such as digital signatures for a variety of platforms. SAVIS will be the coordinating distributor of Ascertia products in Vietnam. Subsequent speeches brought to full the issues that interested delegates. Firstly, Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van – CEO of SAVIS Vietnam Corporation presented how digital signatures was applied in e-Archives in developed countries. The third presentation dealed with legal issues of using digital signatures. Mr. Pham Quoc Hoan, Deputy Director of the National Electronic Authentication Center, introduced the Circular regulating the use of digital signatures for e-Documents and e-Archives. Lastly, Mr. Bui Cong Cuong, Head of IT Division – Office of the Party Central Committee shared his experiences about implementing the digital signature in the Office of the Party Central Committee. The development of information technology, the Internet and especially the 4.0 technology revolution has changed many activities in social life, in which electronic transaction activities have taken place alongside traditional trading. This requires a more secure solution than conventional authentication solutions, to ensure the authenticity, security and integrity of data for electronic documents as well as electronic transactions on network environment. Therefore, the State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam and SAVIS Vietnam Corporation cooperated to organize this conference in order to provide the knowledges of digital signatures needed for the development of archival industry in Vietnam.

SAVIS co-hosted RedHat Solutions Workshop

On August 15th, 2017, at Pullman Hanoi, SAVIS Vietnam Corporation cooperated with Red Hat and Ingram to hold the seminar named “Red Hat Solutions”. The participation is more than 50 guests from many companies and banks. The main content of the seminar revolved around the topic of digitization towards the future and the solutions and operating system that Red Hat offers. At the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van, CEO of SAVIS Vietnam Corporation, shared his views on Red Hat and the collaboration between the two companies. He said that SAVIS appreciated Red Hat’s approach to the Vietnamese market and its prospects for co-development. Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van – Savis Vietnam CEO delivered the opening speech Soon afterwards, the guests listened to presentations by foreign experts from Red Hat. Mr. Yaw Hu Law, Red Hat Regional Director – ASEAN Growth Economies, addressed the urgency of digital transformation and why businesses or organizations should go with Red Hat. Then, Mr. Nicky Phun – Territor Sales Manager and Mr. Gan Cheng Kuan – Senior Solution Architect for ASEAN also shared their views on two topics: “Optimize existing I.T to increase efficiencies and innovate faster” and “Digital Transformation – A Journey towards Future State”. The atmosphere of the workshop was extremely active, especially in the last Q&A session; The banking sector was the industry that shows the highest interest. Red Hat, Inc. is an American multinational software company providing open-source software products to the enterprise community. Founded in 1993, RedHat has its corporate headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina, with satellite offices worldwide. Red Hat has become associated to a large extent with its enterprise operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux and with the acquisition of open-source enterprise middleware vendor JBoss. As of March 2016, Red Hat is the second largest corporate contributor to the Linux kernel version 4.5 after Intel. SAVIS Vietnam Corporation now becomes Red Hat’s ISV Partner (Independent Software Vendor). Accordingly, SAVIS will be the unit to coordinate distribution, development of Red Hat products in Vietnam market. With more than 12 years of experience in the field of IT, SAVIS is confident that the collaboration with Red Hat will bring the best solutions to customers from a variety of industries.

Teamwork spirit in SAVIS Summer Teambuilding 2017

From 9th to 11th July, SAVIS Vietnam Corporation held Summer Teambuilding 2017 with the slogan “Teamwork Makes Dream Work” in Danang City, Vietnam. During the 3 days here, Savisers participated in many challenging, competitive and exciting activities on the beach and at the Gala Dinner. The whole staff enjoyed together and strengthen their solidarity internally. This year had totally 3 teams: “Pork”, “Get High” and “Chili Sauce”. They were carefully prepared from the team introduction clip to the distribution of Participants in the challenges. Every single part of this teambuilding was full of laughter and team spirit. The highlight of this year’s event was probably the SAVIS Bikini Contest. Under the hands of generous sponsors, the contest brought new experiences and excitement to all Savisers. SAVIS Summer Teambuilding 2017 has closed successfully. Company hopes that its resonances will remain and motivate all Savisers.

SAVIS officially became a member of International Council on Archives

SAVIS Vietnam Corporation officially became a member of the International Council on Archives (ICA) at the beginning of June 2017. As a member of the ICA, SAVIS would have opportunities for research and cooperation. SAVIS could also get unlimited access to website resources of ICA as well as approach the most advanced archival models in the world. Besides, SAVIS would have a chance to participate in the International Archives Day and to communicate with worldwide experts in the field archives. As a leading IT company in Vietnam, SAVIS continuously develop archiving software products. SAVIS e-Archive DMS Solution is developed on an open framework in accordance with ISO 14721: 2012 OAIS (Open Archival Information System) – the reliable world standard that successfully deployed for National Archives of Vietnam and others organizations. This is a great opportunity for e-Archive DMS to promote itself. In current 4.0 Industrial Revolution, joining ICA affirms SAVIS’s ongoing efforts in researching and creating the best products served the archives industry. The International Council on Archives (ICA) is an international non-governmental organization which promotes international cooperation for archives and archivists. It was set up in 1948, and membership is open to national and international organisations, professional groups and individuals. In 2015, it grouped together about 1400 institutional members in 199 countries and territories. Its mission is to promote the conservation, development and the use of the world’s archives. ICA is an important partner of UNESCO, and a part of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS). It protects the world’s cultural heritage threatened by wars and natural disasters, and is based in La Haye.

From an office staff to a chef !

SAVIS hosted Master Chef season 2 on March 8 with slogan “Work hard – Play hard”. In order to show love to all women in the company, SAVIS hosted Master Chef season 2 on March 8 with slogan “Work hard – Play hard”. A lot of Savisers participated in the competition, created a cheerful and exciting atmosphere. There were 5 teams competed for Master Chef title. Team captains included Mr.Nguyen Huu Thanh, Mr. Bui Van Thang, Mr. Hoang Van Cao, Mr. Can Tuan Đat and Mr.Nguyen Thanh Cuong. In the competition this year, each team prepared 3 dishes that they choosed randomly. Also, teams had to prepare their own supplies such as ingredients, cooking utensils and cookers to make an impression. Each department in the company nominated one person for judges. Dishes were evaluated based on the taste, visual and creative ideas. 10 points for each criteria and the team had highest score would be the winner. Under the cheers, enthusiasm of the audience, teams cooked with all heart. Dishes not only appeared outstanding but also smelled delicious.  At the end of the competition, judges found it difficult to pick a winner. However, the victory was belonged to captain Bui Van Thang and his team. Their wonderful dished brought colleagues so much joys and surprises.  

Conference in Hai Duong city: Solution for e-Government framework

On the morning of June 23rd, 2016, Hai Duong Department of Information and Communications in collaboration with SAVIS Vietnam Corporation had organized a conference “Solution for the deployment of e-government framework” under the patronization of the Ministry of Information and Communications and People’s Committee of Hai Duong province. Participants of the conference comprised Mr. Le Manh Ha – Deputy Chairman of the Government Office, General Secretary of the National Committee on IT applications, Mr. Luong Van Cau, Vice Chairman of Hai Duong People’s Committee, along with numerous representatives of several Ministries, Departments of Information and Communications and top leading enterprises in Vietnam. Recently, e-government becomed an inevitable trend which being deployed intensively in many countries. The Ministry of Information and Communications promulgated a Vietnam e-government framework version 1.0 which is applied for Ministries/Departments, provinces and cities across the country. However, the practical implementation has been facing a great deal of challenges, especially in local because the current Framework was just the general pattern, some of technical criteria for connection and sharing service remain unclear. Mr Luong Van Cau , Vice Chairman of Hai Duong People’s Committee delivered a welcome speech and addressed the advantages, disadvantages of implementing e-government in Hai Duong province. In building e-government, he emphasized on some of main contents such as policies and legal, building infrastructure, forming technology platform for expansion of information technology applications, setting up public service portal, raising centralized information technology methods, data link… At the conference, Mr Le Manh Ha – Deputy Chairman of the Government Office, General Secretary of National Committee on IT application, praised Hai Duong Department of Information and Communications as the organizing committee. The conference has shown practical and essential issues of deploying e-government framework. The government issued the Resolution 36a /NQ-CP on e-government and specific tasks, targets for ministries/sectors and provinces/cities … For Hai Duong province, implementing the Resolution 36a/NQ-CP on e-government required following missions: Allocating sufficient IT budgets; Linking document management software from province level to commune level; Providing public services integrated with the e-Government portal; Linking public reporting system for processing dossiers in province. Mr. Le Manh Ha also suggested that promoting the settlement of online registration would help improve the transparency in state agencies. “Besides, Hai Duong e-Portal should open the business supporting module on the portal; reinforce the online queries via e- Portal to serve residents bette”, Mr. Le Manh Ha also explained some contents of the Resolution 36A for the participants at the conference. The conference has introduced solutions to meet the requirements of connecting national information systems, centralized management and connecting e-government services through Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) development solution. ESB provides thorough integrated link of e-government applications and services, and synchronization of data center infrastructure, information security, standard e-government structure for all provinces. At the conference, the representatives of Hai Duong Department of Information and Communications presented: Results of deploying e-government; Some enterprises presented: Architecture solution integrated e-government deployment services; ESB for public service providing model; Application-oriented infrastructure for data center; Source solutions for the data center; Security solutions for centralized data center… The target of implementing e-government framework in Hai Duong is to complete and improve the efficiency of e-government application, overcome difficulties in management & operation, that promises the innovation in government management of Hai Duong province particularly and of Vietnam generally.

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